Welcome to this WebSDR receiver (running PA3FWM dist11 software - big thanks to Pieter-Tjerk), located near Derby in central England (IO92GW).

It is funded, operated and maintained by the Gentlemen of 1942, including, G8DKV, G8EBM, G3YXM, G4FPH, G0DMK, 5B4AGN, G0HNW, G0WVX, G4FQI, G3PXQ, G3PWS (SK), G4DLX, G8MXT, G4JFB, G1YFF, G4NIA, G4DCI, G8NDT.

The Derby WebSDR is publicly accessible, but not listed in the WebSDR directory. Several stations you may hear often on 1942 kHz are in close proximity to this WebSDR, none more so than Martyn, G8DKV, who could almost hit the antenna with a stone thrown from his home location. Please do not attribute WebSDR front-end overload and currently sub-par image rejection to faulty transmissions.

Any questions to Mark, G4FPH. E-mail Mark

Mobile version of this site at: http://www.1942khz.net/m.html. More information about the WebSDR project can be found at: http://www.websdr.org.

***Service Information as at 29 August 2024***

WebSDR antenna fixed (again)!

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Allow keyboard:
j k ← →: freq down/up (+shift/ctrl/alt faster)
u l c a f: USB, LSB, CW, AM, FM
z Z: center/zoom waterfall
g: enter frequency


Display Controls:
rate: size: view:
Frequency: kHz

Mode and Filters: * Denotes default bandwidth for mode

PassBand Tuning (PBT):
? kHz @ -6dB; ? kHz @ -60dB.
Or drag the passband edges on the frequency scale.


av: ? dBm  pk: ? dBm
mute squelch autonotch
Signal strength plot:

This WebSDR is currently being used by ? user(s) simultaneously:      compact view
